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An experienced team for all kinds of medical needs

Always a provider
on duty

You can do it all with us -

no referrals or transfers.

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When to Come to Us

  • Labs

    We can draw any type of lab specimen a doctor may need, with results usually back the next day. We offer instant urinalysis, pregnancy testing, strep testing, influenza testing and urine drug screening.

  • X-Rays

    Our digital x-ray system provides clear images with precision detail. We can take X-Rays of all 206 of the body’s bones to evaluate for fracture (broken bones), of the chest to look for things like pneumonia and collapsed lung, or the abdomen for bowel obstruction and constipation.

  • Vaccinations

    We currently offer hepatitis, influenza and tetanus vaccines.

  • Physical Exams

    DOT Physicals

    Our staff is certified to perform DOT physicals, and can help you understand the requirements needed for passing a DOT physicals.  A provider is on site seven days a week, and you can walk out of our office with your medical card in hand.


    Our providers can fill out the paperwork you provide for any required physical, and help guide you in what you need to pass the exam.


    Most illness can be treated in an urgent care setting, from headaches in patients who suffer from migraines, to colds and rashes and tick bites. More importantly, the problems that may require further testing should go to the ER:

    HEADACHES, in patients who do not typically get headaches, will probably require a CT scan.

    CHEST PAIN, in any patient over 40 years of age, probably needs further testing with serial EKGs and blood work. The exception is those with cough and fever or other signs of a respiratory infection.

    ABDOMINAL PAIN almost always requires blood work and a CT scan.

    PARALYSIS, SLURRED SPEECH, DIFFICULTY WALKING, LOSS OF BALANCE and CONFUSION are signs of a possible stroke or other serious illness, and should be evaluated in the ER.


    Burns and Chemical Burns

    Minor burns can be cleaned, dressed and treated by the providers at Medicus.


    Orthopedic Injuries and Back Injuries

    Medicus can evaluate, x-ray and splint most fractures as well as prescribe pain medications if needed, to stablize your empl oyee until they are evaluated by an orthopedist doctor. In cases of sprains and strains, we can provide splinting and follow up or physical therapy prescriptions to manage the patient until they return to baseline. Most back injuries can be diagnosed and treated, and further testing ordered as appropriate.


    Minor head injuries should be evaluated to determine work status, as most injuries of this nature involve a mild concussion, and those patient should be kept out of work until their symptoms resolve. Injuries including lacerations can be repaired at our office. Employees requiring a CT Scan should go directly to the ER. These include people with the following signs and symptoms:

    Evidence of a skull fracture, such as blood or fluid from the ears or nose

    Scalp hematoma (Goose egg, swelling)

    Neurological deficit, such as inability to speak clearly, or move a limb

    Decreased level of alertness

    Abnormal behavior

    Vomiting more than once, or forceful vomiting

    Use of a blood thinner (aspirin, coumadin or others) or a known clotting disorder

    Age 65 years or older


    Most foreign bodies in the eye can be removed at Medicus, and small eye wounds and chemical injuries can be treated. If we determine that further care is needed, we can refer to the eye care specialist.


    Slivers and other foreign bodies under the skin can almost always be removed by numbing the skin and using a special instrument to remove the object, or by making a small incision in the skin.


    If a tooth is knocked out, it is best to gently clean it and put it in the person’s mouth, and promptly see a dentist. Loose teeth should also be evaluated by a dentist to make sure the tooth is splinted and can be saved.


    Most injuries to the chest wall are minor and require no more than an x-ray, and can be managed at Medicus. Exceptions include injuries where the patient is having trouble breathing, trouble speaking, or has passed out.

    Injures to the abdomen often require CT scan and those patients should go directly to the ER, as often time is of the essence.


    Most lacerations and puncture wounds can be managed in our offices. We can do repairs to the scalp, face, body and extremities, including stitches under the skin. Lacerations of tendons often require specialty consultation, but we can arrange that if needed.

  • Additional Services

    We can put in stitches, drain an abscess, remove foreign bodies from the eyes, ears, nose or under skin or fingernails. We can also splint your sprains or broken bones.

Patient Resources

Pay Your Bill

A nurse is preparing an iv for a patient in a hospital room.

IV Therapy

We are now offering IV nutritional therapy!

Please call for an appointment.

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